Friday, April 11, 2014

My B-U-T-T Still Hurts

I love being a parent and acting like I am not my age. 

We started practicing for softball, U10 girls softball.  And my girls love to run.   I don't ask anything of my girls that I am not willing to do myself.  So, when I have the girls run bases, I occasionally run with a few of them to push them.  They run faster and I hurt later.  But it's fun.

As a coach for anything my daughter gets involved in that needs a parent to step up, I try to keep the activity fun.  I also try not to give my daughter special treatment.  I do my best to give all of the girls opportunities to learn and improve and develop confidence in themselves.  But my daughter is not a star player.  I know how much she practices.

This year, I have spotted something in my daughter that I haven't seen or noticed before.  She is eliminating activities that she doesn't really enjoy.  She is becoming more focused and learning that she needs to practice to really improve.  And she is becoming more confident. 

My daughter is also choosing activities that I have been a part of.  I have coached her in softball (tee-ball) since she was 2.  I have always been her Girl Scout leader.  And I have always included her in bike rides and swimming.  Although she will always love to dance, she is no longer taking classes with girls who are mean to her.  Instead, I will take her hand and dance with her around the house.

There are many distractions in kids' lives that deprive them of physical activity and experiences that give confidence.  I am proud that my daughter is learning that getting up off the sofa is a way to spend time with her mother.  I am proud of her.

So I will dance with her.  I will run with her. I will be there to help give her confidence.  And I will push my body beyond the point of being sore just to see her smile.

Even if my butt hurts for the next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hats so great you coach for your daughters team. You are a great mama! Keep up the awesome work!
