My son turned 4 years old this past weekend. 4 years old. He's 40 1/2" tall and turning into quite a young man. We celebrated with chocolate cupcakes and presents at the kitchen table, in a 1 bedroom apartment.
December 7th we closed on the sale of our Downers Grove house. The second of 2 house fires my family has lived through. We have moved into a 1 bedroom apartment for a 6 month short lease so my daughter could walk home from school as we work to finally finish the Westmont house that was on fire 5 years ago this March. (I'll let you do the math.)
We are still trying to get the building permit back. We are trying to keep our heads above water as we pay bills, childcare, swim team, and race registrations. (at least 2 need to be paid for this month before the price increase. I already missed one discount.) Life is filled with enough stress as I ask Santa to show my kids there is hope and love still in their lives this Christmas.
Christmas, a time to enjoy simple pleasures of family as the television and electronics show what my kids really want this holiday. But my son is happy knowing he will not be forgotten this year He is not expecting a lot since we are in a small apartment that doesn't even have a tree in it. I tried to explain Santa understands that we don't have a lot of room for new stuff right now. He won't forget him, and next year he will make up for any short sightings.
This year we are also spending Christmas with many loved ones. We will go to family on Christmas morning, but Christmas Eve we are starting a new tradition. We are going to be with friends. People we choose to be family. This is a first. When my husband and I first married, we had planned to stay home for more holidays when we had kids. My daughter was in Kindergarten when our first home was on fire. Just 6 years old. The next Christmas we were living with my in-laws, with a newborn. After all this moving, this year we were invited to a new tradition and we excepted.
So far, my side has excepted this change. But my husband's side, the ones we live closest to, has one person questioning "Why?" Obviously, not the one who does all the cleaning and cooking for the Holiday meal. We have already taken the big meal off her plate and promised to make it next year.
As I look at my December, I can't help but see all of the stress that fills it. As for my family, I will put on my Christmas sweater and smile, because our journey is getting closer to home.